Gammu 1.26.0
There is reduced memory usage, tons of bugfixes,
better support for reading messages from Motorola phones.
Fixed handling of RunOnReceive error code.
Fixed crash when encoding USSD dials.
Fixed decoding of phonebook entries on Motorola (bug #988).
Fixed decoding of long text messages (bug #990).
Fixed location of saved message (bug #989).
Added ID for Nokia 1681c.
Fixed reading of phonebook from Samsung (bug #980).
Add ID for Nokia 3390b (bug #982).
DCT3 dependent code reports error when phone is not DCT3 (bug #982).
Fixed reading of DCT4 file folders (bug #986).
Reworked RPM packages (separate libraries and SMSD).
Huawei E160 uses encoded USSD requests.
Better support for messages on Motorola, thanks to Quintin Hill.
Fix reading of SMS backups without text (bug #963).
Send message even if SendingTimeOut is null (bug #977).
Disabled automatic OBEX for Motorola phones.
Increased limits for message length, bump soname to 7 because of this.
Changed SMSD tables to be able to handle longer messages from Motorola phones.
Documented most commands in man page.
Completed Czech translation of Gammu.
Avoid crash on some Nokia smses (bug #959).
Added support for Bluetooth on more BSD systems, thanks to Iain Hibbert.
Added new command setsmsc.
Added option to disable checking for battery and signal in SMSD.
Fixed getting firmware revision on AT phones (bug #951).
Added support for home/work mobile number (bug #952).
Fixed handling of error response for security status in AT.
Fixed segfault on systems with very low memory limits.
Development now goes on in Git repository, please check README.
6510 driver now dynamically allocates memory for file caches, what reduces Gammu memory usage by 800 MiB.
Added testcases for AT+CNMI replies.
Fixed range parsing in AT engine.
Added reconnect support in PostgreSQL driver in SMSD.
Gammu debug level no longer can be controlled separately in SMSD.
Fix loop when Nokia phone does not allow to access files (bug #954).
Source code
You are downloading Gammu source code. To compile it you need some development
environment for your platform and CMake
tool to configure the sources. There are also some optional requirements for
additional features which are listed in INSTALL file in sources. This file
also contains more detailed instructions about compiling Gammu.
This source tarball contains Gammu command line utility, libGammu library and Gammu SMSD.
Windows binaries
You are downloading Gammu installer for Windows. There is 32-bit version, 64-bit version and 32-bit version compiled with MSVC 9.0 to be compatible with Python 2.7.
You might need to install Visual C++ Redistributable Packages to run Gammu.