- Domov
- Phones Database
- Nokia
- Nokia 6080
Nokia 6080
This record has not been approved yet. This means that it might contain false
information or there are better records for the same model (you can see them
on right side).
If this record contains wrong information, please add new record
with correct information and the record will be replaced after review.
All records were filled in by users and there is no guarantee that they are
More information about phone might be available on following sites:
Supported Features
- Informácie o telefóne
- Odosielanie a ukladanie SMS
- Basic phonebook functions (name and phone number)
- Enhanced phonebook entries (eg. several numbers per entry)
- Udalosti kalendára
- Úlohy
- Práca so súbormi
- Výpisy hovorov a telefonovanie
- Logá
- Zvonenia
- Multimediálne správy
connection = fbusdlr3
About entry
Created on 17. jún 2012 2:37.
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