

There are currently 64 phone records from this vendor. To change existing entries, simply add new one, they will be reviewed and the old ones will get deleted eventually.

MenoPripojeniePodporované funkcie
Approved Alcatel OT-C701/C701A at info, sms, phonebook
Alcatel OT-C825/C825A at19200
Approved Alcatel OT-C825/C825A at115200 info
Approved Alcatel OT-S853 at115200 info, phonebook
Alcatel ot-x090s at19200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, call
Approved Alcatel OT756 irdaobex info
Alcatel Prestige at115200 info, sms, phonebook
Alcatel Smart II V860 at info, sms, phonebook, call, mms
Alcatel Tainy GMOD S1 at19200
Alcatel V860 at115200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Alcatel V860 at115200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Alcatel X220 (HSPA Data Card) at115200 info, sms, phonebook
Alcatel X220 (HSPA Data Card) at115200 info, sms, phonebook
Alcatel алкатель Nepodporované