

There are currently 537 phone records from this vendor. To change existing entries, simply add new one, they will be reviewed and the old ones will get deleted eventually.

MenoPripojeniePodporované funkcie
Samsung GT-S5610 at
Samsung GT-S5620 Nepodporované
Samsung GT-S5620 fbusdlr3 sms, ringtone
Approved Samsung GT-S5620 at info, sms, phonebook, call
Samsung GT-S5620 none
Samsung GT-S5620 blueat sms
Samsung GT-S5620 blueat sms
Samsung GT-S5660 at19200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5660 at info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5660 at info
Samsung GT-S5660 at info
Samsung GT-S5660 at info
Samsung GT-S5660 at info
Samsung GT-S5660 at info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-s5660M Gio at info
Samsung GT-s5660M Gio at info
Samsung GT-s5660M Gio at info
Samsung GT-s5660M Gio at info
Samsung GT-S5690 bluerfgnapbus info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5690 bluerfgnapbus info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5830 at115200
Samsung GT-S5830 Nepodporované
Approved Samsung GT-S5830 at115200 info
Samsung GT-S5830 at115200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S5830 at115200 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S6500D at info, sms, call
Samsung GT-S7230E blueat info
Approved Samsung GT-S7230E blueat info, sms, phonebook, call
Approved Samsung GT-S7233E at19200 sms, call
Samsung GT-S7262 fbuspl2303 info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, filesystem, call, logo, mms
Samsung GT-S7350i at19200 info, sms, phonebook
Samsung GT-S7560 blueobex filesystem
Samsung GT-S7560 blueobex filesystem
Approved Samsung GT-S8000 (Jet) at info, sms, phonebook, call
Approved Samsung GT-S8000B blueat info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook
Approved Samsung GT-S8500 blueat info, phonebook
Samsung GT-S8500 at19200 info, sms, phonebook, call
Samsung GT-S8500 at info, phonebook, call
Samsung GT-S8530 blueat info, sms, filesystem
Samsung GT-S8530 blueat info, sms, filesystem
Samsung GT-S8600 at115200 info, sms, phonebook
Samsung GT-S8600 at19200 info, phonebook
Samsung GT-S8600 at info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Samsung GT-S8600 at info, sms, phonebook, enhancedphonebook, calendar, todo, filesystem, call, logo, ringtone, mms
Approved Samsung GT-Y3100 at info, phonebook
Samsung GT-Y3300 im N150-3G at115200 sms, phonebook
Samsung gt19505 Nepodporované
Approved Samsung GT5660 at115200 info, phonebook
Approved Samsung gtb 3313 at19200
Approved Samsung Guru Dual 35 (E2152) at115200 phonebook